New Community Bookshelf in North Philadelphia

Community Bookshelf - Rep Danilo Burgos Office - February 2020 - small.jpg

Philly Bookshelf is excited to announce a new Community Bookshelf at the district office of Representative Danilo Burgos. The Community Bookshelf has books for all ages (newborn to adult), so if you are in North Philadelphia’s 197th Legislative District, stop by the office and pick up a book or donate books to share with your neighbors.

Within a day of setting up the Community Bookshelf, children in the district began visiting the office to select books to read. This is great news because the presence of books in the home is the biggest indicator of educational advancement for children according to the study “Family Scholarly Culture and Educational Success: Books and Schooling in 27 Nations” published in Research in Social Stratification and Mobility.

Help us keep this Community Bookshelf and others filled by making a donation today.



You will find the Community Bookshelf inside of the office of Rep. Danilo Burgos at

635 W Erie Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19140