2020 Summer Reading Challenge

Summer Reading Challenge Book Stack / www.phillybookshelf.org

Read more books, read different types of books, and enhance your overall reading life when you join the 2020 Summer Reading Challenge! Download the card to get started. You can read any book that matches the category in a particular box. One title per card.

There's an optional GIVEAWAY: Complete any 10 blocks, submit your card, and you will be entered into a drawing for two (2) books. Complete all 20 blocks, submit your card, and you will be entered into a drawing for a $100 gift card to an independent bookstore.

More information and official rules through the link: https://www.phillybookshelf.org/2020-summer-reading-challenge

Follow Philly Bookshelf on Facebook and Instagram for suggestions. Or ask a librarian or independent bookstore for ideas.

Be sure to tag #PhillyBookChallenge2020.

Contact us with any questions or join our email list to stay up to date.

We are excited to read with you this summer!!